SKU: DBKISBN978-0-9922250-4-9
Category: Books
Padkos Series Book 4 – Pets – Digital Version
An interesting bedtime or self-read book for children.
Learn about 14 different pets and their habits compared to Bible characters.
Every story has a colouring page and a “test your knowledge” section at the end.
Ideal for comprehension tests at schools. Suitable for children aged 6 to 11 years
- Images: Black and White
- Page Size: A5
- 98 Pages including Cover page, Table of contents and Foreword
- Also available in audiobook (for read-and-listen) and hard copy
Soekie and the Radikids have been known for years for their cheerful Christian children’s music. Soekie is a children’s songwriter, author and radio personality since 1992. When she isn’t on international travels to minister or reaching out at schools, she makes multimedia resources for parents, teachers, children’s ministers and children.