
Isivuno – Sing Scripture Songs with Soekie – mp3 Album


Isivuno’, meaning ‘Harvest’ has 49 songs, to help young children memorize verses from the Bible.

Isivuno was designed to help Pre School Teachers teach easy-to-learn songs with Bible verses and stories to accompany each theme.

Ideal for Gr R to Gr 3 learners

More information:

  • Downloadable mp3 Album
  • Track lengths of approximately 1 to 2 minutes each

Track list:

  1. In the Beginning (Gen 1:1)
  2. God made the animals (Gen 1:24b)
  3. God completed all He made (Ex 20:11)
  4. It is Good (Gen 1:31)
  5. God is faithful to forgive (1 John 1:9)
  6. Jesus Christ is born (Luke 2:11)
  7. If I love God I must love my family (1 John 4:21)
  8. Jesus Christ will stay the same (Heb 13:16)
  9. Come to Me (Mark 10:14)
  10. God will bless you (Gen 12:1)
  11. For God so loved the world (John 3:16)
  12. Jesus lives in me (Gal 2:20)
  13. Let us be kind to one another (Eph 4:32)
  14. I am trusting You, my God (Ps 31:14)
  15. Even when I am afraid (Ps 56:3)
  16. I want more of God and less of me (John 3:30)
  17. You shall love the Lord your God (Matt 22:38)
  18. Good Fruit (Matt 7:17)
  19. He has a good plan (Jer 29:11)
  20. The Lord will fight for you (Ex 14:14)
  21. Praise, Pray and be Thankful (1 Thess 5:18)
  22. Trust Trust Trust in God (Prov 3:5)
  23. Do not worry (Matt 6:25)
  24. Do to others (Matt 7:12)
  25. Listen and do (Deut 4:1)
  26. Be merciful (Luke 6:36)
  27. My strength and song (Ex 15:2)
  28. He will make you stronger (Isa 40:31)
  29. Jericho (Heb 11:30)
  30. To the left, to the right (Isa 40:21)
  31. Lying lips are very bad (Prov 12:22)
  32. Give thanks to the Lord (Psa 107:1)
  33. Worship the Lord with gladness (Psa 100:1)
  34. Perfect Peace (Isa 26:3)
  35. You did it to me (Matt 25:40)
  36. Let your no be no and your yes be yes (James 5:12)
  37. Faithful man (Prov 22:29)
  38. Do it for the glory of God (1 Cor 10:31)
  39. If you say you love Me (John 14:23)
  40. Hosanna (Matt 21:5)
  41. God can do special things (Luke 18:27)
  42. Reap what you sow (Gal 6:7)
  43. A wise man (Matt 7:24)
  44. To seek and save the lost (Luke 19:10)
  45. Marching in God’s army (Eph 6:10)
  46. Follow Jesus (Matt 4:13)
  47. Around the whole wide world (Matt 16:15)
  48. Jesus is my number 1! (Matt 6:33)
  49. Jesus born in Bethlehem (Isa 9:6)

Soekie and the Radikids have been known for years for their cheerful Christian children’s music. Soekie is a children’s songwriter, author and radio personality since 1992. When she isn’t on international travels to minister or reaching out at schools, she makes multimedia resources to aid parents, teachers, children’s ministers and children.

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