Honey – Downloadable Lyric Video Album
Learn Bible verses and sing the Word, that is sweeter than HONEY, with Soekie
This lyric video album, ‘Honey’, has 16 new English songs, mostly taken from the King James, New King James and NIV Bibles like the Lord’s Prayer, Psalm 23 and more.
More information:
- Downloadable Lyric video Album
- Also available for purchase in mp3 album on this platform
Track list:
1. Sweeter than honey (Psa 19:10 & 199:9,11/Heb 4:12)
2. In Him (Acts 17:38/ 1 Pet 2:9/ Rom 11:36)
3. As for me and my house (Josh 24:15)
4. Our God is three-in-one
5. The fruit of the Spirit (Gal 5:22)
6. Hear O Israel (Deut 6:4-8)
7. Blessed is the man (Psa 1)
8. Everlasting life (Jn 3:16/ 1 Jn 5:12/ Jn 14:6/ Rom 10:9/ Eph 2:8/ Jn 1:12, Jn 10:9-10)
9. And you shall know the truth (Jn 8:32,36)
10. Above all else (Prov 4:23)
11. Give thanks unto the Lord (Psa 118)
12. The Lord is my Shepherd (Psa 23)
13. Fear (2 Ti 1:7/ Is 41:10/ Heb 13:6)
14. Amen, our Father (Matt 6:9-11)
15. King of Glory (Psa 24)
16. Bonus: Turn Back (Draai terug)
Soekie and the Radikids have been known for years for their cheerful Christian children’s music. Soekie is a children’s songwriter, author and radio personality since 1992. When she isn’t on international travels to minister or reaching out at schools, she makes multimedia resources to aid parents, teachers, children’s ministers and children.