
55 Sing-Along Kids Songs – FREE RESOURCE – mp3 Album


’55 Sing-Along Kids Songs’ are the 55 all time most renowned children’s gospel songs as sung by Soekie for the purpose of teaching children’s ministry music.

More information:

  • Downloadable mp3 album
  • Track lengths between approximately 2-8 minutes each

Track list:

  1. Alive
  2. Amazing Grace
  3. Bind us together, Lord
  4. Beautiful
  5. Cast your burdens onto Jesus
  6. Colour Song
  7. Do you know you’re a temple
  8. Father Abraham
  9. Medley: Fishing for Jesus/Fishers of men
  10. Follow, follow
  11. Give me oil in my lamp
  12. God is good, He lives
  13. God is so good
  14. God’s not dead
  15. Medley: Good morning/My name is
  16. He made the Stars to Shine
  17. He is Lord
  18. He’s got the whole world
  19. Ho ho ho hosanna
  20. Hold on to Jesus
  21. Holy Holy
  22. I am what God says I am
  23. I have decided
  24. I love Jesus
  25. If you’re happy
  26. I love you, you love me
  27. Walking in the Light of God
  28. Into my heart
  29. It is a good thing
  30. Its love that makes the world go round
  31. I’ve got joy like a fountain
  32. I’ve got the joy of Jesus
  33. Jesus loves me
  34. Jesus loves the little children
  35. Lord I lift Your Name on high
  36. Mercy is falling
  37. My God is so big
  38. Our God is an awesome God
  39. Read your Bible
  40. Seek ye first
  41. Stand up and Shout it
  42. Thank you, Jesus
  43. The best book to read
  44. The Lord’s army
  45. The love of Jesus is so wonderful
  46. The wise man built his house
  47. There is none like You
  48. There is no one like Jesus
  49. This is the day
  50. The joy that I have
  51. This little light of mine, I’m gonna let it shine
  52. This little light of mine
  53. Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet
  54. What a friend we have in Jesus
  55. Who’s the King of the jungle

Soekie and the Radikids have been known for years for their cheerful Christian children’s music. Soekie is a children’s songwriter, author and radio personality since 1992. When she isn’t on international travels to minister or reaching out at schools, she makes multimedia resources to aid parents, teachers, children’s ministers and children.

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