A New Season!

Having relocated from Gauteng/North West and settling in the Western Cape during the pandemic, the office and studio have been reinstated to produce multimedia resources once more!

For the past year we have been building into local schools in the Hessequa municipal district, by way of weekly visits to primary schools with live music and a presentation of Bible stories and values – we believe that the atmosphere changes as children ‘silence the enemy through their Praises!’ (Ps 8:2)

Building into the younger generation is a passionate application – from them will come the leaders of nations, churches and families. The gospel is  after all still the power of God unto salvation. We evangelize children, where after (through scripture and music) we influence their world view, shape their identities, enrich their sense of worth and give them hope.

Music and rhythm are known to engrave information into the brain. Most people learned the alphabet, days of the week, and months of the year through songs.  In the same way children learn about Jesus and His Word through songs. Dancing and making moves to songs not only get the children excited or make them connect with the words, but stimulates new learning pathways in the brain that are effective for learning in general. Music and Movement can even improve mathematics and reading.

Even children of a very young age (under five) have benefitted greatly from the joyful experiences of learning these easy sing- and dance-along songs.

For the past 30 years Soekie has been a children’s gospel music minister and recording artist, traveling South Africa and abroad to teach, encourage and speak into the lives of countless children. Be encouraged by her testimony where she shares her vision and passion – watch it Here.

It is definitely a new season, one of influencing both children and adults alike: especially those who devote themselves to children for the kingdom’s sake. Shifting away from traveling with children to traveling to children with the purpose of ministering to them, has been a delight and an eye opener to still be relevant for the new TRIBE of kids.

Multiplication through training will be the focus in the near future: the ‘need’ will determine the demand. Different themes are allocated and practical help-tools for parents and children’s ministers may be presented online.

Travel and cross-border Missions will continue as before with a slight change in focus: to translate and record Gospel music for children to sing in their own native tongues!

 Psalm 2:8 “Ask of me, and I will make the nations your heritage, and the ends of the earth your possession.”

We look forward to sharing about what God does! Stay tuned!
